Monday 6 October 2008

Claude Monet Flood at Giverny painting

Claude Monet Flood at Giverny paintingClaude Monet Fields of Bezons paintingClaude Monet Etretat The End of the Day painting
Now this is where the last lot put the clerks; plenty of room, anyway. I’ve had the walls and fireplaces boarded up you see valuable old work underneath. Hullo, someone seems to have been making a beast of himself here; destructive beggars, soldiers are! Lucky we spotted it, or it would have been charged to you chaps. ‘This is another good-sized room, used to be full of tapestry. I’d advise you to use this for conferences.’
‘I’m only here to clean up, sir. Someone from Brigade will allot the rooms.’ ‘Oh, well, you’ve got an easy job. Very decent fellows the last lot. They shouldn’t have done that to the fireplace though. How did they manage it? Looks solid enough. I wonder if it can be mended?
‘I expect the brigadier will take this for his office; the last did. It’s got a lot of painting that can’t be moved, done on the walls. As you see, I’ve covered it up as best I can, but

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