Friday 21 November 2008

Chaplin After The Ball

Chaplin After The BallKnight Picking FlowersKnight Maria on the Terrace with a Bundle of GrassVernet Two Soldiers On Horseback
cores. Now he seeks another, more powerful wand, as the only way to conquer yours."

   "But he'll know soon, if he doesn't already, that mine's broken beyond repair," said Harry quietly.
   The little color she had regained since their arrival had drained from her face. Ron gave Harry a reproachful look, and said, "Let's not worry about that now ---" But Mr. Ollivander intervened.    "The Dark Lord no longer seeks the Elder
   "No!" said Hermione, sounding frightened. "He can't know that, Harry, how could he --?"

   "Priori Incantatem," said Harry. "We left your wand and the blackthorn wand at the Malfoys', Hermione. If they examine them properly, make them re-create the spells they've cast lately, they'd see that yours broke mine, they'll see that you tried and failed to mend it, and they'll realize that I've been using the blackthorn one ever since."

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