Friday 16 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Candy and Mr Smith

Jack Vettriano Candy and Mr SmithJack Vettriano Cafe DaysJack Vettriano Busted Flush
figure stepped out of a patched-up doorway and said, "Wait, wait."
A dim light was glowing behind him, and it wasn't easy to make out his features; but they knew he wasn't a ghost. He was like them, it?"
"It's a suburb of the world of the dead. Sometimes the living come here by mistake, but they have to wait in the holding area before they can go on."
"Wait for how long?"
"Until they die."alive. He was a thin man who could have been any age, dressed in a drab and tattered suit, and he was holding a pencil and a sheaf of papers held together with a clip. The building he'd stepped out of had the look of a customs post on a rarely visited frontier."What is this place?" said Will, "And why can't we go in?""You're not dead," said the man wearily. "You have to wait in the holding area. Go farther along the road to the left and give these papers to the official at the gate.""But excuse me, sir," said Lyra, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how can we have come this far if we en't dead? Because this is the world of the dead, isn't

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