Monday 12 January 2009

Leroy Neiman Winter Olympic Skiing

Leroy Neiman Winter Olympic SkiingLeroy Neiman Olympic SwimmersLeroy Neiman Desert Inn Baccarat
You can use these questions to help you:
* If I could choose one feeling or state of mind for the entire year, what would that be? * What is the most important state of mind I would like to have regularly?Next, in bullet points, list outcomes, results, and achievements you would like to experience for the next year. We’re just capturing them on paper. Don’t worry about making it perfect.
Here are some of my personal outcomes for the year:
* To give engaging and captivating speeches in front of people. Training for Public Speaking. * To feel connected with my inner self and live consciously on a daily bases. * Become an early riser - starting the day feeling refreshed at 6am or earlier. * To participate in a triathlon or similar event. * To establish a productive, effective and healthy daily routine.
For example, I had, “Clarity & Inner Peace”.
Write this statement at the top of a new page. This is the most important state of mind you are after. Having identified this helps us focus on the emotions most important to us. Seeing this, also makes it convenient for planning and creating outcomes that provide these feelings.

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