Monday 30 March 2009

Bernhard Gutmann Study of a Woman in Black

Bernhard Gutmann Study of a Woman in BlackBernhard Gutmann Nude with DraperyPaul Klee The Rose GardenPaul Klee Red BallonPaul Klee Park of Idols
landing in front of him.
Gaspode unpeeled his tongue from the back of his throat.
‘Good boy,’ he muttered. ‘Good boy.’

Victor sat up, rubbing his head.
‘I caught myself aright crack when the chair fell backwards,’ he said.
Laddie sat looking expectantly, with the remains of the sheet in his mouth.
‘What’s he waiting for?’ said Victor.
‘You’ve got to tell him he’s a good boy,’ sighed Gaspode.
‘Doesn’t he gracefully. He paused at the bottom of the stairs and gave an eager, follow‑me bark.
‘Pathetic,’ said Gaspode, miserably.expect some meat or a sweet or something?’Gaspode shook his head. ‘Jus’ tell him what a good boy he is. It’s better’n hard currency, for dogs.’‘Oh? Well, then: good boy, Laddie.’Laddie bounced up and down excitedly. Gaspode swore under his breath.‘Sorry about this,’ he said. ‘Pathetic, isn’t it?’‘Good boy, find Ginger,’ said Victor.‘Look, I can do that,’ said Gaspode desperately, as Laddie started snuffling at the floor. ‘We all know where she’s headed. You don’t have to go and‑‘Laddie dashed out of the door, but

The stars always seemed to shine more brightly over Holy Wood. Of course, the air was clearer than Ankh, and there wasn’t much smoke, but even

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