Thursday 2 April 2009

Henri Matisse Pink Nude

Henri Matisse Pink NudeHenri Matisse OdalisquesHenri Matisse Odalisque
‘Ah? Used to be a tidy old farm, once upon a time. We never thought the old girl’d stay on.’
‘Ah,’ agreed a couple of old men by the fireplace.
‘New to these parts, then?’ said the barman.
The sudden silence of the other men in the bar was like a black hole.
‘Been here .’
‘All right. Sharp and rich. But still a loony.’
‘You can’t be loony and rich. You’ve got to be eccentric if you’re rich.’ The silence returned and hovered. Bill Door sought desperately for something to say. He had never been very good at small talk. He’d never had much occasion to use it.
What did people say at times like this? Ah. Yes.before, have you?’JUST PASSING THROUGH.‘They say old Miss Flitworth’s a loony,’ said one of the figures on the ?t~inches? around the smoke-blackened walls.‘But sharp as a knife, mind,’ said another hunched drinker.‘Oh, yes. She’s sharp all right. But still a loony.’‘And they say she’s got boxes full of treasure in that old parlour of hers.’‘She’s tight with money, I know that.’‘That proves it. Rich folk are always tight with money

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