Sunday 26 April 2009

Jean Beraud La Rue de la Paix

Jean Beraud La Rue de la PaixHenri Rousseau The Snake CharmerHenri Rousseau The Dream
said Carrot. He crossed the road, with Angua padding along behind him, as the fat man slowed to a waddle.
' 'Morning, Mr Flannel,' he said. 'Bit of trouble?'
'He took seven Angua gave Mr Flannel a smile. He stepped back.
'But she's a—'
'Got to move with the times, Mr Flannel,' said Carrot, putting his notebook away.
Mr Flannel drew his mind back to business.
'In the meantime, there's eighteen dollars of mine that I won't see again,' he said sharply.
'Oh, nil desperandum, Mr Flannel, nil desperandum,' said Carrot cheerfully. 'Come, Constable Angua. Let us proceed upon our inquiries.'
He proceeded off, with Flannel staring at them with his mouth opendollars and I never saw no Thief Licence!' said Mr Flannel. 'What you going to do about it? I pay my taxes!''We shall be hotly in pursuit any moment,' said Carrot calmly, taking out his notebook. 'Seven dollars, was it?''At least fourteen.'Mr Flannel looked Angua up and down. Men seldom missed the opportunity.'Why's she got a helmet on?' he said.'She's a new recruit, Mr Flannel.'

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