Thursday 7 May 2009

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Valencian Scene

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Valencian Scene
from the shelf and dropped it into its slot. Then he sighted along the shaft. He turned.
'I like this inventory,' said Nobby. 'We'll take it all.'
The man looked down the sights at Nobby's eye and, to Angua's horrified admiration, didn't faint.
'That little bow don't scare me,' he said.
'This little bow scare you?' said Nobby.
Thomas Moran Sunset on the Moor
' said Carrot.
There was a long, embarrassed silence.
'Um. I chipped in a few dollars each from you new recruits,' he added, blushing. 'I mean . . . you can pay me back when you like. If you want to. I mean . . . you'd be bound to be friends. Once you got to know him.'
The rest of the Watch exchanged
Vincent van Gogh Vegetable gardens at the Montmartre
'em,' said Detritus.
'Who?' said Skully.
'Trolls. Nasty pieces of work in my opinion,' said Detritus, with all the conviction of a troll with a badge. 'They need keeping a eye on.'
'What's happened to Quirke
Vincent van Gogh Landscape at Auvers in the Rain
the city,' said Carrot.

People were streaming past the Watch House. Carrot stopped a couple by the simple expedient of sticking out his hand.
'Mr Poppley, isn't it?' he said. 'How's the grocery business? Hello, Mrs Poppley.'
'Ain't you heard?' said the flustered man. 'The trolls have set fire to the Palace!'
He followed Carrot's gaze up Broad Way, to where the Palace stood squat and dark in the early evening light. Ungovernable flames failed to billow from every window

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