Tuesday 21 October 2008

John Singleton Copley Watson and the Shark painting

John Singleton Copley Watson and the Shark paintingJohn Singleton Copley The Tribute Money paintingFord Madox Brown The Coat of Many Colors painting
brain. It turns out that we can not ‘think’ ourselves to feeling this deep internal contentment.
Our brain functions our emotional center of our human experience yet the nature of emotions come and go no matter what we do. They are temporary and transient.
This type of happiness, hedonic Happinessfeeling a sense of meaning and fulfillment in your life. This inner contentment will be with you independent of people, place, things and circumstances.
It is very unusual to find someone who has achieved those heart and soul connected experiences. It is through listening to our heart and soul that we find the answers to the treasure of our sustainable Happiness.
Would you like to learn how to develop this deep inner contentment that provides you with that heart centered warm fuzzy feeling that presents the greatest experience known to man? A true unwavering deeply ingrained feeling of complete and utter faith that you , is evoked by external circumstances basically entirely out of our control.

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