Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Unknown Artist Brent Lynch Cigar Bar painting

Unknown Artist Brent Lynch Cigar Bar paintingUnknown Artist Paris Eiffel Tower paintingRene Magritte The Son of Man painting
with a magnificent marble structure, the interior painted and gilded and furnished as sumptuously as a rich noblewoman's boudoir. My grandmother Livia made him do this to please Augustus, I may say. Tiberius was not religious-minded and very stingy with money.) It was healthier on that hill than down in the hollow by the river; most of the houses there belonged to senators, I was a very sickly child-"a very battleground of diseases", the doctors said-and perhaps only lived because the diseases could not agree as to which should have the honour of carrying me off. To begin with, I was born prematurely, at only seven months, and then my foster-nurse's milk disagreed with me, so that my skin broke out in an ugly rash, and then I had malaria, and measles which left me slightly deaf in one ear, and erysipelas, and colitis, and finally infantile paralysis which shortened my left leg so that I was condemned to a permanent limp. Because of one or other of these various illnesses I have all my been so weak in the hams that to run or walk long

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