Saturday 27 September 2008

Patrick Devonas paintings

Patrick Devonas paintings
Peder Mork Monsted paintings
Pierre Auguste Renoir paintings
out all physical exercise from your timetable and substitute extra periods of manipulation by one of the female staff. Here is your diet sheet. You will notice that for the first forty-eight hours you are restricted to turnip juice. At the end of that period you embark on the carrots. At the end of the fortnight, if all goes well, we will have you on raw eggs and barley. Don’t hesitate to come and see me again if you have any problem to discuss.”
The sleeping quarters of male and female inmates were separated by the length of the house. Basil found Angela in the drawing room. They compared their diet sheets.
“Rum that it should be exactly the same treatment for insomnia and apoplexy.”
“That booby thought I was a pansy.”
“It takes a medical man to find out a thing like that. All these years and I never knew. They’re always right, you know. So that’s why you’re always going to that odd club.”
“This is no time for humour. This is going to be a very grim fortnight.”

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